The EAS is Canada’s longest-running astrological society, founded on December 10, 1977 by internationally acclaimed astrologer Chris McRae. The EAS hosts monthly lectures, workshops and classes featuring local and international astrologers. See below for the EAS natal chart and a biography of Chris McRae.

Executive Committee: 2024–2025 Term

Past President: Tracy Quinlan
President & Programs: Lesley Francis
Website & Communications: Mel Priestley

Chris McRae

January 29, 1928 – December 28, 2020

Chris McRae founded the Edmonton Astrological Society in 1977. She was an internationally acclaimed professional astrologer who had a lively consulting practice with many clients both local and abroad.

Chris started teaching astrology in 1970, including a ten-semester course that was taught at Grant MacEwan College (now MacEwan University) from 1972 to 1982. MacEwan was the first college in North America to include astrology in its adult extension department.

Chris lectured widely in many different countries, conducted workshops, hosted enrichment lectures on board luxury cruise liners in Asia, the South Pacific and Alaska, and appeared on the faculty of astrological conferences worldwide, including: United Astrological Congress (UAC), International Society of Astrological Reserarch (ISAR), National Council of Geoconsmic Research (NCGR), American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), Astrological Association of Great Britain (AAGB), and the Federation of Australian Astroloers (FAA) in Australia.

Chris served on the board of directors for the AFA, ISAR, UAC, AFAN and was also Founder, Past President and Honorary Life President of the Edmonton Astrological Society. 

In 1982, Chris received the FCA Astrological Hall of Fame Uranus Award for “Innovative Ideas and Outreach, Nationally and Internationally.” In 2005, she was a Regulus Award Nominee and in 2012, she received the Regulus Award for Professionalism in Astrology. In 2014, she received the ISAR Lifetime Achievement Award.

Chris contributed to several books on astrology and authored four books of her own: The Geodetic World Map (1988), Understanding Interceptions: A Key to Unlocking the Door (2000), Geodetic Astrology for Relocation and World Affairs (2016), and Great Conjunctions Shifting Times (2021).

Her earlier career was in broadcasting, television production, and motion picture make-up design and special effects.