Friday, January 14, 2022 – 7pm MT

The Astrology of 2022: Year of the Tiger; Year of Jupiter in Pisces

featuring Jessica Adams

In 2022, we see both both Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, including a conjunction between both planets in April. At the same time, the Lunar New Year (Year of the Tiger) starts on February 1 and runs until January 22, 2023. How will this unusual Asian astrology cycle line up with what we are seeing in your horoscope? In this talk, Jessica Adams will look at previous Pisces transits involving Neptune, and previous Tiger years – and reveal why different house systems and even alternative astrology systems can give you different angles on what happened, and alter what is to come. If you want to change the future in 2022, you need to begin by rethinking the past. 

Jessica Adams has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Bloomingdale’s and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. She lives between Australia and Britain and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins).

Saturday, February 12, 2022 – 1pm MT*
*NOTE: This is a special three-hour workshop

2022 Year of the Water Tiger

featuring Donna Stellhorn

2022 brings the unpredictable energy of the Water Tiger. The dual nature of the Tiger will bring times of wild exuberance (like white water rafting with a Tiger in your boat!) followed by periods of what can only be described as “catnaps.” Together, we can navigate this energy to find ways to attract prosperity, adventure, and to make great connections with others. In this special three-hour workshop, we will be talking about the principles of Chinese astrology and the specific energy that the Year of the Water Tiger will have for each sign. We’ll also be talking about Feng Shui remedies you can use to attract prosperity energy.

Donna Stellhorn is a professional astrologer and Feng Shui expert who practices both Western and Chinese astrology. She has written 18 books including Feng Shui Form and the best-selling booklet Sage & Smudge; her most recent book is Chinese Astrology 2022: Year of the Water-TigerDonna writes weekly and monthly predictions for,, and Conscious Community Magazine. Donna is on the board of NCGR – San Diego.

Friday, March 11, 2022 – 7pm MT

Pluto’s Master Plan

featuring Inge Lohse

Pluto has profound effects on entire generations, using creative willpower to transform, regenerate and reaffirm what each sign of the zodiac represents.

Inge Lohse has studied astrology since 1975 and is a teacher and lecturer. Inge has an Aquarian Sun with an investigative Scorpio Ascendant. With Mars and Mercury in Capricorn, she enjoys researching the practical application of astrology. Inge is a founding member of the Edmonton Astrological Society and has served on its executive committee for more than 40 years.

Friday, April 8, 2022 – 6:30pm MT*
*NOTE: Lecture starts a half-hour earlier than usual

React vs. Respond: Our Emotional Maturity

featuring Sonja Francis

In this webinar, we will take a look at our own birth charts to see how we can support ourselves and others on the path towards becoming an emotionally healthy, responding beings. The webinar also includes a handout for all Moon placements, including some coaching questions.

Sonja is a lifelong student of astrology who has a passion for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. She joined the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) in 1997 and received her NCGR professional astrology certification in 2005. She has written monthly horoscopes for numerous publications, and hosted her own astrology TV show on BiteSizeTV until July 2013. She loves to teach astrology and has developed her own online curriculum and live Soul Journey seminars that instruct beginning to advanced astrology students in the heart-centered self-empowering messages of Soul-Based Astrology.

Friday, May 13, 2022 – 7pm MT

Patterns & Shapes: Digging for Gold in the Birthchart

featuring Mj Patterson

Before delineating the individual planetary placements in a natal chart, there is much to be gleaned by stepping back a bit, to view the patterns and shapes of the chart in general. Join Mj Patterson as she links planetary patterns, aspect shapes, interceptions, and linked houses to demonstrate how these chart components enrich and contextualize the natal interpretation.

Mj Patterson, BA BSc BEd MEd level 4 NCGR, has practiced professionally since 1987.  She is a Horary Practitioner (UK School of Traditional Astrology), founder of the APAA, co-convener of the Northern-Stars Astrology Conference and founder and Director of the Halifax Astrology School. She is the ISAR Global Director for Canada. Mj specializes in rectification and lectures worldwide in English, French & Spanish. She remains always a grateful student of Monsieur Axel Harvey of Montréal.

Friday, June 10, 2022 – 7pm MT

Meaningful Matter: Pairing Astronomy with Astrology

featuring Mel Priestley

Mars is red and signifies bloodshed and violence; Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye and signifies boundaries. The astronomical qualities of the planets match up with their astrological meanings in many ways – some obvious, some surprising. In this presentation, we’ll find out why astronomy and astrology really aren’t so very different.

Mel Priestley is a consulting astrologer and writer based in Edmonton. She has been studying astrology for many years and completed the Fundamentals of Natal Astrology Certificate at Kepler College in 2021. She has been a professional freelance writer for over 15 years and has written extensively about wine, food, theatre, local events and now, astrology. She currently serves on the executive committee of the Edmonton Astrological Society.

Saturday, September 10, 2022 – 1pm MT*
*NOTE: This is a special three-hour workshop

101 Interpretation Tips & Techniques

featuring Robert Glasscock

In this special three-hour workshop, Robert will share 101 astrology tips and techniques you can use immediately. Old, new, tried, true, ancient and original – we will learn 101 guaranteed “Aha!”-provokers to open new mental pathways, enhance your chart-reading skills and boost your insights and accuracy. Robert will unlock 101 doors to actualizing astrology’s profound metaphysical and practical significance, and show why it’s the origin of all the world’s sciences, religions and philosophies. 

For over 56 years (and 56,000 clients), Robert Glasscock has consulted with clients from over 122 countries. For many years, he authored over 250,000 words annually in American Astrology Magazine’s monthly and annual yearbook issues for publisher Joanne Clancy. His writings for newspaper columns, magazine articles and anthologies have been cited by Liz Greene, among others. He’s been invited to speak to a variety of national conferences, conventions, forums and seminars – as well as political, professional, media, civic and religious organizations. He currently presents courses in his techniques for Kepler College, including a very popular, student-requested Solar Arc practicum now in its fourth continuous year. 

Friday, October 14, 2022 – 6:30pm MT


featuring Tracy Quinlan

Many astrologers use only the five Ptolemaic aspects in their astrological delineations. The use of quincunxes, especially in natal astrology, can open up a big part of the story in a person’s chart. Join Tracy in exploring what this 150-degree aspect creates and how to delineate it. What can it mean when two key parts of one’s personality have nothing in common, and can’t see each other?

Tracy is a consulting astrologer, writer, teacher and lecturer. Tracy began her formal astrological education learning from EAS founder Chris McRae and continued to earn certificates from Kepler College and the School of Traditional Astrology. She has a BA in Sociology and Psychology and is an OPA-certified professional astrologer. She writes the horoscopes for the Llewellyn Astrological Calendar.

Friday, November 11, 2022 – 7pm MT

Happy Birthday Edmonton!

featuring Mel Priestley

Join us for this special deep dive into mundane astrology and Edmonton’s natal chart. Mel will review the basics of mundane astrology and then interpret Edmonton’s natal chart to analyze what the chart says about the city. She will look at some key events in Edmonton’s history and compare them to the natal chart, and look at the 2023 Aries ingress chart to see what’s coming up for Edmonton next year. 

Mel Priestley is a consulting astrologer and writer based in Edmonton. She has been studying astrology for many years and completed the Fundamentals of Natal Astrology Certificate at Kepler College in 2021. She has been a professional freelance writer for over 15 years and has written extensively about wine, food, theatre, local events and now, astrology. She currently serves on the executive committee of the Edmonton Astrological Society.


Friday, December 9, 2022 – 6pm MT*
*NOTE: This is an in-person event

Annual Christmas Party

Join the Edmonton Astrological Society for an informal, friendly Christmas celebration. This will be our first in-person meeting since the start of the pandemic! We will meet at Homefire Grill in Edmonton (18210-100 Avenue) in their private dining room. Everyone is responsible for their own food/drinks.

If you would like to participate in our gift exchange, please bring a small wrapped gift (no more than $20 value). We are really looking forward to seeing everyone in person! Come chat astrology and celebrate the holidays with us!!!